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Six Steps to Healthier Kidneys




Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common, life-threatening illness that often goes undetected until advanced. Undiagnosed and untreated, CKD can lead to serious health problems including kidney failure. Caught early, it can often be managed, and kidney damage can be slowed.

Here are six steps for healthier kidneys:

  1. Know The Facts – 1 in 3 American adults is at high risk for developing kidney disease today.
  2. Assess Your Risk – High blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of kidney failure and being over 60 are major risk factors for developing kidney disease.
  3. Recognize Symptoms – 1 in 9 American adults has kidney disease and most don’t know it. By the time symptoms appear, CKD may be advanced. Pay attention to these symptoms: fatigue/weakness, difficult/painful urination, foamy urine, blood in urine, puffy eyes, swollen face/hands, abdomen/ankles/feet, increased thirst and increased need to urinate.
  4. Get Tested – Early detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease. Ask your primary-care physician about recommended tests if you are at high risk.
  5. Stay Healthy – Kidney disease risk can be reduced by controlling blood pressure and blood sugar, quitting smoking, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding excessive use of pain medications.
  6. Learn More – The National Kidney Foundation is the leading organization dedicated to awareness, prevention and treatment of kidney disease.


These tips are based on the National Kidney Foundation’s Six Steps to Healthier Kidneys.