With my father, a medical doctor and mother a nurse, I was exposed to the medical profession from a very early age. From the age of 9, I knew that I wanted to become a doctor and I duly set out to achieve my goals. My future path in medicine was not clear in the early years of medical school until I did my nephrology rotations as a resident. My medical school training was at the Royal College of Surgeons, in Ireland before moving to the United States for Residency and Fellowship training. I completed my post-graduate training in internal medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Ohio, followed by nephrology training and an additional one year of transplant nephrology training at Mount Sinai Medical Centre in New York, New York. I was privileged to work with superb internists, nephrologists and transplant nephrologists during the course of my 13 years of medical training spanning medical school, residency and fellowship. These clinicians inspired and encouraged me and I was fortunate to be exposed to a variety of interesting cases representing the spectrum of nephrology. I truly enjoyed and benefited greatly from this aspect of my training, and as a result decided on specializing in renal diseases.
After completing my training in transplant nephrology in June 2008, I decided to move to Dallas-Fort Worth area to join my current group. This was one of the best decisions I have made. I work everyday with one of the best group of doctors that I have come to know, which makes it really worth while. My goal is to be an excellent nephrologist and transplant nephrologist and to provide the upmost level of care for my patients.
Personally, I am very lucky to be married to the most loving and understanding woman I have ever met. She understands my profession and need to work long hours, as well as my dedication to my patients and my work. I have two lovely girls that I wish I could spend more time with, as they mature so fast right in front of my eyes. We spend our free time travelling, watching moves, playing soccer and spending time together as a family and doing whatever the girls want to do.